Minerva Terraces in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park
> Geothermal Features
> Minerva Terraces

Minerva Terraces

Smack dab in the middle of the Lower Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace, the Minerva Terraces are the primary feature of Mammoth. Enjoy its wide range of colors.

What can I see and do at Minerva Terraces?

Minerva Terraces is the primary feature of the Mammoth Hot Springs Area. It goes through cycles of activity where there may be no water at all to such large travertine deposits that it covers the boardwalk. The park actually installed a moveable boardwalk just in case. For the best views, walk the Lower Terraces boardwalk. Depending on the snow, you can either walk or snowshoe this boardwalk in the winter as well.

Where are the Minerva Terraces?

The Minerva Terraces are located in the middle of the Mammoth Hot Spring Geothermal Area. To access, either walk the Lower Terraces Boardwalk or drive the Upper Terraces Loop to the Overlook.

When are the Minerva Terraces accessible?

They are accessible year-round. In the summer, the boardwalk provides great access to the entire Mammoth Hot Springs area. In the winter, you can either walk or snowshoe the boardwalk (depending on the amount of snow).

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